SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19

By 02/04/2020 April 15th, 2020 No Comments




SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19

In recent weeks, countless pieces of news, briefing notes, reports from official institutions and scientific articles have been published about the current COVID-19 pandemic and its cause, the 2019 coronavirus. At the same time, linguists, translators and experts in the field have been publishing articles with writing recommendations for those who write or translate on this subject.

From them, I have extracted terms in English and Spanish and taken note of the suggestions to apply them in my work, coming to gather in this first version of the glossary more than 440 term entries, among lemmas and abbreviations, both informative and specialized. As I compile new terms related to COVID-19 I will publish them in this blog.


The glossary I have compiled is very comprehensive and covers virtually all the vocabulary being used in the oral and written media these days, so it can be useful for translators, interpreters, writers and journalists.


From this blog I would like to thank all the health, hospital, assistance, ambulance staff, 112 operators, pharmacists, nursing homes staff, policemen and soldiers, employees of markets, supermarkets and convenience stores, public transport staff, freight forwarders, farmers, fishermen and all those who are doing first-necessity activities for the community. And to all those who comply with the rules of confinement to prevent further contagion.

My thoughts go out to all those who have died, to their families and loved ones, to those who are hospitalized and to all those who are suffering from this pandemic.

My admiration and respect for those who have lost their lives or who expose their lives daily to save or protect the lives of others.

Cheers to all and may the confinement be made bearable!



Version 4: 500 term entries and update of previous version



Version 5: +600 term entries and update of previous version





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